Drive a flat blade screw driver into it. Then turn screw driver to on position.
yep.....twist the red and brown wires together but it will drain the battery if you leave it connected....
Make sure everything is filled and running right! Put the key in then turn it to the on postion. Put the choke a little if needed give the gas lever a few pumps and hit start, should fire, if not you got a problem!
how to start a 1993 chevy tahoe without a key
Drill an appropriate sized hole in the end of the key and use a stud extractor. If that is not possible it is likely that you will simply have to cut it of and replace the flywheel
Not without the key, no.
car starts without key
most older trucks can be started without a key
You can start your 2004 Rodeo without a keyless entry key. Remove the keyless entry fuse and use your ignition key to start the vehicle.
Not without "hotwiring" it
no if there is a car that has a chip in key then it should not start without one if it does then your cars censor for that is messed up