Hold the throttle wide open lean back and pop the clutch
The information in this post is for informationial purposes only and should not be attempted by anyone at anytime ever
How much oil does a 2001 Yamaha TTR 125 hold? How much oil does a 2001 Yamaha TTR 125 hold? How much oil does a 2001 Yamaha TTR 125 hold?
What is the spark plug gap for a 2006 yamaha ttr 125?
The 2009 Yamaha ttr 125 has a 1.6 gallon fuel tank.
It will not takeover
A Yamaha ttr 125 weighs just about 198 pounds and goes 65 mph
yes, i think it will even fit on a ttr 90.
the L ,LWland LE has bigger tires than a E
The Yamaha ttr 125 would kick the suzuki rm 80's butt there is no comparison
yz 85 cus its 2 stroke but if u modify the 125 enough the 125 is faster ya dinconpoop the ttr 125 is faster