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You can order lowering links through Dual Star website.

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Q: How do you lower suspension on Honda xr200?
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1 Qt. 10w40

Why do forks leak oil on Honda xr200?

they shouldn't.. you need to replace the fork seals

What type of oil do you use in your 1989 Honda xr200 r?

The recommended oil type for a 1989 Honda Xr200R is 20 W 50. This oil can be purchased at any cycle shop or auto parts store.

How do you lower the suspension on a 1994 Honda Aspencade?

To my knowledge, you can't. It has air ride, so if you want it lower, just let all the air out. The bike is low enough, any lower and it will hit the road around the corners.

How do you lower suspension on Honda tmx 155?

By 'lower suspension' if you are speaking of lessening it just remove the spring coil extra set of shocks on the back. They are there for addition of side cars to handle the weight. You cannot modify it structurally because it is designed and engineered to handle properly on the road as best as it is from the factory.

How do you replace front shocks on a 1991 Honda Civic Si?

The front shocks on a 1991 Honda Civic can come off in one piece. Raise the vehicle and remove the lower suspension components. Loosen the mounting bolts in the engine bay and slide the shock out of the suspension fork. Then remove the shock from the coil and install the new shock.

How high is a honda crf 450?

The seat height is 37.5 inches, ground clearance is 13 incnes. Overall height of the bike is 49.4 inches. It is possible to lower the suspension of the bike and lower it but this carries extra cost.

How tall is an XR200?

Seat height 33.5"

Will a 2000 Honda suspension fit on a 1991 Honda?

That would depend on the type of car. Most likely not.

Can you race an XR200?

Yes, they are raced in enduros and hare scrambles.