You would have to have insurance on the dirt bike.
Just save your money and look for a decent used bike for a first bike. There are lots of good used dirt bikes if you know what to look at when buying a bike.
Check the VIN (vehicle ID number) with your local Department of Motor Vehicles.
make sure there is gas, check battery, check sparkplug
look for leaks and craks and dents
well if you just bought a bike with no papers... and the VIN number isn't on the shock... looks like you just bought a stolen bike brother. my oldest brother bought a stolen bike (he didnt know it was stolen at the time) one time and it was dirt cheap. but i would recommend looking up alternative spots to where the VIN number would be.
Homeowners insurance does not cover dirt bikes. There is dirt bike coverage that can be purchased. Dirt bikes are not required to be licensed in order to use them. Make sure that your dirt bike coverage stipulates that it is covered upon theft because not all policies include theft.
check fuil mixture
Any dirt bike which is eligible to be ridden on public roads in MN must be registered. You should check with the DMV in your area to see if your particular dirt bike would be eligible for registration.
NO! 50 to 90 weight gear oil. Please check your owners manual or go to your library and check on line. unless you want to buy an new dirt bike soon.