Start the bike up and let the oil warm up (side of the cylinder should be pretty warm to touch) before killing engine. Remove drain plug (on bottom of engine) and let all oil run out. Replace drain plug and remove filler plug on side of cases and add oil.
what oil is used in a ktm 65
Fork oil level for a 2002 KTM 65 SX is 210 cc or 7.1 OZ per leg
KTM 65 SX uses .5 L of Motorex Top Speed $T 15W50
The 06 65 SX takes .3L (or 10.147 ounces). KTM recommends Motorex Top Speed 4T 15W50.
220 ml
If its a two stroke then it just needs some 2 cycle engine oil
240 ML of 5w fork oil.
You did not specify what year, a 08 KTM 65 SX requires .5L 2002 sx65 to a 2008 sx65 according to my service manual only uses 300ml of gearbox oil. 2009 to 2011 uses 500ml of gearbox oil.
.7 L
According to the 08 KTM Tech Bulletin, .3L of Motorex Top Speed 4T 15W50