It all depends on how much you ride. But overall id say change it once a year to be safe. Also that is for a Motocross bike, I am not sure about other kinds of trail bikes or enduros. So id just change it once a year and always make sure you have the proper level of coolant.
you add coolant untill it is full ?
You can not change a dirt bike's VIN number. You can change the racing number by contacting the race officials.
how do i fit a clutch on my grizzly 12 dirt bike
you do not have to have a dirt bike liscense dumbazz
Not worth it. Sell the bike as it is and buy the kind of bike you want instead.
There is not a single dirt bike sportsman who is credited for inventing dirt bike tricks. A lot of dirt bike riding is freestyle.
No, it is illegal to ride a dirt bike on the street but you can ride it on a trail or dirt bike track.
It's made out of dirt obviously hence the name dirt bike.
depends if you are wearing the protection for a dirt bike that is needed
Either theres a clog. or clogged on your engine blog or on your hose.
who was the first dirt bike rider
The 110.