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They are not at all. The danger all comes from the operator.

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Q: How are dirt bikes dangerous?
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Are dirt bikes dangerous if your just out in fields and not on rodes?

no they are never dangerous

Are dirt bikes and quads dangerous?

They can be if your not careful. But there a lot of fun

How danerous are dirt bikes?

well its the worlds most dangerous sport

Is there a difference in dirt bikes and bikes?

yes, dirt bikes are motorized

Which came first dirt bikes or motorcycles?

dirt bikes

Who started racing dirt bikes?

Everybody that races dirt bikes "started" racing dirt bikes at some point.

How many years have dirt bikes been invented?

dirt bikes in the past had less gears and power then dirt bikes have today

What kind of dirt bikes are there?

The two main types of dirt bikes are motocross and trail bikes. Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Honda all make these types of dirt bikes.

Are dirt bikes illegal in pa?

no dirt bikes arn't illegal

Are mini bikes like dirt bikes?

no there not dirt bike is better

What are dirt jump bikes?

dirt-biking is for dirt-bikes it can be either stunt or mud riding

Generic dirt bikes for sale?

There are a few dirt bikes that you can buy that are cheap. Some generic dirt bikes you can buy are 200 CC, Yamaha and you can have bikes shipped to you from China.