Six-years old is a little late, but the same applies as to four-year olds.
The bike should be low enough that they can sit on the seat and plant their feet on the ground. Remove the training wheels and let the kid loose. They'll push themselves around for a bit and start using the pedals as soon as they feel confident and balanced. Watch them but don't help, don't touch, probably a good idea not to talk either. Let them figure it out.
For my kids and grandkids, it took less than an hour before they were pedalling around like pros.
Kawasaki Kx500, any year will do, but the best bike for a beginner is a Yamaha yz490
a 120cc dirt bike is suitable for a 17 year old
beginner..cr80 - 2 strokecrf230 - 4 strokeAdvanced..Cr80r - 2 strokerm85 - 2 strokealthough i managed to learn and a racing bike so there shouldnt be problem
i would say a crf150r expert or a ttr 125 because the 150 has a little bit of of power
A Yamaha 125
a xr 100
Yes, but good luck fitting on it ;)
a 50 or an 80cc how ever big they are
I say a good rifle would be a bolt action type. Nothing too high powered.
Any bike really but he has to know how to use it properly.
Many games are available for children with many names like crazy bike rider, bike attack game, if these games are good for 12-year-old children any bad effect?