no, its not legally allowed on the road, so u shouldn't need a license
i wanna a 50cc dirt bike
Yes. Any motorised vehicle in the United Kingdom requires a license.
The only dirt bikes that are legal in all states are Enduros. That is dirt bikes with turn signals, headlights / taillights, and a license plate. Any dirt bike not equipped with these is not street legal in any state.
i think u do need 1 because u wouldn't see people riding there dirt bikes on roads!!!
Not unless Maryland Change the law in the past couple years. All you need is a drivers license for a car.
yes, dirt bikes are motorized
you need a license for anything besides bikes
In Ohio, titling for dirt bikes began in 1999. Every dirt bike must have a title and be registered according to the state's policies.
Yes dirt bikes must be registered in Maine. A person with a dirt bike must obtain a Class I license in the state of Maine.
dirt bikes
Everybody that races dirt bikes "started" racing dirt bikes at some point.