Yes, that is a good size bike to learn on. If the bike is street legal you will need a motorcycle license.
a 125cc motorbike
Yes, an A-class.
yes you need a provisinal licence and a cbt.
In most states you do not need a motorcycle endorsement for a bike under 50cc but you need a regular drivers license. You will have to check with the motor vehicle division in your state to find out.
need to be a little more specific... are you talking about a dirt bike? because if you are, you should get one of Honda's 125cc bikes. they are reliable, durable, and never give me any issues. i have had my 125cc for about 2 years and it still runs like new.
yes you do you can get your license for a moterized bike when you are 14 or 15
In Texas if the engine is 125cc u only have to be 13 but u need a special license
yes you do you can get your license for a moterized bike when you are 14 or 15