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This response will address race dirt bikes and ignore the entry level air cooled 4-strokes such as the TTR's, CRFxxxF's, KLX's, etc. The 4-strokes tend to be a little better on fuel and pollute less as a rule. Gone are the days of 4-strokes lasting forever and being bullet proof. The race 2-strokes and 4-strokes enjoy a similar reliability history with the 250's being somewhat worse due to the high RPM's they run. 4-stroke power delivery is more desirable by some groups due to the low end torque and smoothness. There is still a small weight penalty (5-10 lbs in many cases) with 4-strokes. Probably universally the most undesirable aspects of the 4-stroke race dirt bikes is the fact that 1) they can be very difficult to start, 2) parts and accessories typically cost 2X to 3X as much (rebuild parts, after market exhaust, etc.) as 2-strokes. 3) the horrific costs associated with valve jobs (titanium) and the frequency some brands will require this repair. Why did the 4-strokes all but replace the 2-strokes in Motocross? The AMA changed the class rules such that a rider will get the most power from 4-stroke in a given class. It is rumored that the AMA sold out to the EPA. To put it another way, the power of a 2-stroke 125 does NOT equal that of a 4-stroke 250. The power of a 2-stroke 250 does NOT equal that of a 4-stroke 450. The AMA has pretended it does in an effort to kill the 2-stroke. The 2-stroke is alive and well (and often preferred) in the freestyle MX sect as well as the off-road market (GNCC, hare scrambles, enduros, etc). These 2-stroke bikes are plentiful among the European mfr's such as KTM, Husqvarna, Gas Gas, etc.). Yamaha's YZ250 is still available as well.

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Do the make 2 stroke dirt bikes?

i think you should watch cartoon network on t.v more often

What kind of dirt bikes are there?

The two main types of dirt bikes are motocross and trail bikes. Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Honda all make these types of dirt bikes.

What materials was used to make the first dirt bike?

all the materails used today for dirt bikes

How many gears does a four stroke dirt bike have?

Depends on the make and model of the bike. Some motocross bikes have 4 gears while most of the cross country thumpers are 5 or 6 speeds.

What is the best brand of dirt bike and why?

Brand wise, it is KTM. The make a wide varity of dirt bikes in both two and four strokes. They have everything from kid's bikes to enduro bikes to MX bike. They are by far the best.

Do they make two stroke bikes?

For 2009, KTM still has the following 2 strokes:50, 65, 85, 105, 125, 150, 200, 250 and the 300.

Are fenders interchangeable on dirt bikes?

sometimes if you need a new one try eBay of course or go to this company called UFO plastics they make new plastic for dirt bikes really cheap

Who benefits from having a dirt bike?

Dirt Bike riders, the state (From tax revenue) and the aftermarket companies that make parts for the bikes.

Why is a 2 stroke dirt bike faster than a 4 stroke dirt bike?

In short the design and the inner working of a 2-stroke vs a 4-stroke allows a 2-stroke of a similar size/weight to make a lot more power than the equally size/weight 4-stroke. The downside of this is that it's a lot more polluting and a lot less energy efficient. The reason they are faster than a 4 stroke is because the 2 stroke is for racing. The gas and oil are mixed together to make the ultimate engine for your MX. A 4 Stroke is mainly for Trail Riding in my opinion. ^^ this is only true for little bikes like 85s and 105s... In real bikes 2 strokes are still faster CC for CC, they are lighter and the engines are more efficient for making power (fewer moving parts). HOWEVER, the AMA has allowed for 4 strokes over twice the displacement to race against 2 strokes, for example a 450 4 stroke vs a 250 2 stroke, in this case the 2 stroke has no chance. If the AMA were to equal classes, and the 450 were against a similar sized machine like a 500, the 2 stroke would dominate like the old days!

How do you make mini pocket bikes go faster?

it all depends on the size on the motor and if its a two stroke or four

What was the purpose of the dirt bike?

recreationbefore you read this I'm going to let you know that i have a ttr Yamaha 125cc. you there is no Purpose of a dirt bike but for riding in dirt. people buy dirt bikes to ride on trails and Motocross's. they make different bikes like Yamaha, kawaski, honda, ttr. they are vary fun to ride.follow me on youtube at myfriendfull123

Is it hard to jump a dirt bike?

if you are doing simple little jumps, the light bikes of today make it easier, but it still takes patience and practice. if you want to be an x fighter rider that would take a lot of skill and years of practice.