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no you dont need registration. just get out and ride

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Q: Do dirt bikes under 50cc need registration?
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Do you need a license to ride dirt bikes?

i wanna a 50cc dirt bike

How fast are 50CC dirt bikes?

Usually 25 to 35mph, they can be modified to go faster......

Why dirt bikes are not allowed in bike lanes?

If the Engine is 50cc or larger it is Illegal to ride in a bike lane

Do 50cc dirt bikes have gears?

Yes in fact i have one they have three gears and neutral but most are automatic

Weight limit on a 50cc dirt bike?

A 50cc dirt bike doesn't technically have a weight limit. There are many full grown adults weighing in excess of 200 pounds which own and ride dirt bikes of this engine size.

What dirt bikes have an automatic clutch?

Normally the 50cc-60cc's are automatic i have one that i have grown out of but if your looking for a big bike w/ it i am not sure.

How fast is 50cc on a mini dirt bike?

45 to 48 [if under 85lbs]

Is there a difference in dirt bikes and bikes?

yes, dirt bikes are motorized

How heavy is a dirt bike?

A dirt bike can range from 100-300 pounds. It all depends on the size of the engine, the large 530cc bikes will weigh the most while the small 50cc bike will weigh the least.

What types of dirt bikes are there?

There are several different "types" of dirt bikes! For brands there are Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki, KTM, Gasgas, Aprilia, ATK, etc. For displacement, the most common ones are 50cc, 85cc, 100cc, 125cc, 150cc, 200cc, 225cc, 250cc, 350cc, 400cc, 450cc, 500cc, 600cc, 650cc, and even 700cc! As for actual types of dirt bikes there are motocross bikes, enduro (dual-sport) bikes, trials bikes, trail bikes, and many variations and setups like desert, dunes, ice, supercross, etc. Ride safe!

Can you drive a dirt bike on a dirt rd in Ga if you are under 16?

no, b/c dirt bikes cant be on the road anyways

Which came first dirt bikes or motorcycles?

dirt bikes