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You may want to know if you can ride your dirt bike on a sidewalk. Anyone that has one ask police first. Then make sure no ones on the sidewalk then maybe you can.

You can be asking if you have permission to ride a dirt bike on the side walk, or if the dirt bike will function right on the sidewalk. Like the above comment you have to ask a cop and not ride when to much people are there. The bike will function right but might jump high if you go over a bump.

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Q: Can you ride dirt bike on side walk?
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as long as you can walk, you can ride. This goes for young children and old adults

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walk on it,ride your bike on it,or walk on the north side of the bridge, which is the side where pedestriands can walk.

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no it is illegal

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No, not even pedal bikes are allowed on sidewalks.

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They mostly walk or ride a bike.

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You = pronoun will walk = verb (future tense of walk) and = conjunction he= pronoun will ride = verb (future tense of ride) a = article bike = noun

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ride a bike or walk

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Does not really matter, I normally walk first and then Bike

Where can you ride a bike in your neighborhood?

im guessing on the side walk, edges of roads, YOUR yard and drive way, fields... etc.

Is it legal to ride a dirt bike on the side of railroad tracks if im on dirt in California?

It is trespassing to ride, walk, job, hike on railroad property which is private property. You can be cited. plus it is dangerous as passing trains can kick up rocks and debris that can hit you. Trains are at least 3 feet wider than the rails. Stay away from railroad tracks and right of ways.

Is it legal to ride a mini dirt bike on sidewalks?

No, it is not legal to ride a mini dirt bike on sidewalks. Sidewalks are typically designated for pedestrian use, and using motorized vehicles on sidewalks can be dangerous and disruptive to pedestrians. It is important to follow local laws and regulations regarding the use of motorized vehicles.