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Yes you can put on a 110cc bike engine on a 50cc bike and if there is any modification work then just take it to a local bike repair shop.

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Q: Can you put a 110cc pocket bike engine in a 50cc super pocket bike without mods?
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How do you remove the governor on super pocket bike?

Generally speaking Super Pocket bikes have Honda Clone 110cc engines. They do not have governors on them.

Can you put a 125cc engine in a super pocket bike?

The answer to this question is YES. The most popular Midbikes (super pocket bike) come stock with a 110cc motor. You can put a 110cc, 125cc, 140cc, 150cc, and even in some cases a 200cc into a Midbike. Just about anything and everything you want to know about these bikes can be found at Midbike Nation. I hope this helps answer the question.

Is there a hand operated rear brake for 110cc super pocket bike?

yes there is hand operated rear brakes

Can you ride a 110cc super pocket bike on the street?

yes but you will need turn signals,lights,insurance,and a licenze plate

Can you register your 110cc super pocket bike in CT?

Yes, if you have a MV Operators License, a motorcycle drivers license and liability insurance on the bike.

Will a 110cc engine fit on a stock 49cc x7 super pocket bike?

it might but it will be tight u will have to mod the frame

How big of an engine can you put into a x19 super pocket bike?

1300cc Suzuki Hayabusa engine. That'll get ya movin!

Are Super Pocket Bikes legal in Florida?

Yes they are ok but if your above 125cc you have to get it lisensed for 110cc your ok to ride it there is no age limit if a cop pulls you over give him your vin to the bike and your ok there is tons of places to ride.

Is it possible for a super pocket bike to over heat and stop working?

yes and most pocketbikes have a engine heat gauge

In Minnesota would a 110 cc super pocket bike be legal to drive without a license and or insurance?

No, you need to be over 16 and have a regular license then get your pocket bike registered for plates.

Are pocket bikes legal in Illinois?

pocket bikes no super pocket bikes only if you register it

Is a x1 ninja bike two-stroke?

The Ninja GT Superbike X1 Super Pocket Rocket uses a 2 stroke engine.