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No, you'd need a thin tube and a pump. But, it would leave all the metal crap in the bottom of the pan. The dip stick shows the MAX fluid and not the reserve that is in the pan. Bad idea.

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Q: Can you drain oil through dipstick?
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Why cant you put a sucktion tub down the dipstick to drain oil of a 2007 cts?

Yes, that is one way to do it, but why? Why not just remove the drain plug and drain the oil. Removing the oil by sucking it out the dipstick tube will not get all the old oil out, but it can be done that way for whatever reason.

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I had to use an oil sucker that sucks the engine oil out from the dipstick hole. I could not locate the drain plug under this car.

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oil will pour out. that's what the dipstick is for. Check it and if needed, drain some out.

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There is a drain plug under the transmission oil pan drain and refill from the transmission dipstick 3.5l with Dexton 3 oil.

How do you add transmission fluid to a 85 celebrity?

On these cars you add the tranny oil via the dipstick tube with a funnel that will allow all the oil to flow through the tube. On some of these cars there are no drain plags and the pan has to be lowered on side first to drain off the oil the bolts are not take all the off so pan will not fall. On these cars you add the tranny oil via the dipstick tube with a funnel that will allow all the oil to flow through the tube. On some of these cars there are no drain plags and the pan has to be lowered on side first to drain off the oil the bolts are not take all the off so pan will not fall.

After draining engin oil it still shows overfull on dipstick Can oil be trapped or not draining?

you may have in correct dipstick in vehicle OR clean the dipstick and then re-check.... or if its an older 5.0 engine, there is 2 drain plugs...

How do you drain old oil out to replace with new?

Find drain plug, remove, oil should drain out. Replace oil filter if applicable, reinstall drain plug, find oil filler tube/cap, remove and fill with oil slowly while checking dipstick level.

How easy is it to use an oil change pump?

It is very simple to use an oil change pump. It is a system that sucks the oil out of your engine through the dipstick tube, it eliminates the need to drain the oil from the oil pan and you never have to get under your vehicle.

What do you do if you think you put too much oil in a Nissan Frontier?

If the oil is significantly above "max" on the dipstick then you need to drain some off via the sump drain.

How do you change oil in a Honda TRX 125?

Warm the engine. Remove dipstick and drain plug. When oil has drained re-instert drain plug. Refill with 1.1 quart of motorcycle 10-30 W oil and re-instert dipstick. Start engine and check oil level and also for oil leaks.

Why is engine blowing oil through dipstick?

I'm not a mechanic / technician but I believe that a plugged PCV valve or hose will cause oil to blow through the engine oil dipstick

How do you change oil on a craftsman 917.376551?

According to my Sears manual, there is no drain plug. You need to remove the oil dipstick and tip the mower on its side so that the oil will drain out of the fill location. It is odd, but that is how you do it.