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i think ktms are very reliable as ive had mine for 2 and a half years now and nothing has ever happened to it.

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Q: Are KTM reliable
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Related questions

Is KTM a reliable manufacturer of motorcycles?

KTM was founded in 1934, and began production of motorcycles in 1953. They are a large sponsor of Motorcross racing. They are a reliable company that has been around for decades.

What is better KTM or Honda?

Depends,KTM for people who are just learning, because Honda has so much more power and are quicker,faster,and most reliable

Is there a ktm 110?

yes there is the ktm ktm 85 ktm 110 ktm 125 ktm 150 ktm 250 ktm 500

Why is a ktm dirt bike better than a Honda dirt bike?

They are quicker and more powerful and are like the Ferrari of the dirt bikes and are built for speed and racing and the Honda is like the Holden and Ford and is a basic dirt bike!

What does ktm stand for in ktm motorcycles?


How many stroke engine does the 2013 KTM 250 SX come stocked with?

The engine that is supplied stoke standard with every 2013 KTM 250 SX sold is a 2-stroke engine which is really reliable to use. These are fitted to many motor bikes now days.

What is the best 250 green sticker motocross bike?

i would expect you want one the will start when you want it to. The honda 250x kawasaki 250 f and the ktm 250 xcf . The Honda is most reliable, the Kawi has the most power, the ktm has the best handling. I hope this helps

Who invented the Ktm 125?


Are Apollo dirt bikes good?

There not very reliable they tend to fall apart. I would prefer Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, KTM, And Yamaha. These are the bikes that were made to last.

Where did ktm originate?

ktm originated in japan

Who made the first ktm dirt bike?


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