Spool pins are used on sewing machines to hold the spool of thread. Most or vertical, some that are horizontal use a spool cap to secure the spool of thread. Some machine come with spool nets to cover the spool to ensure the thread enter the machine evenly. Some machines come with an extra spool pin that fits into a small hole on the top of the machine to hold a second spool of thread.
The ships are built in drydocks which can be flooded to float the ships out.
A fleet of ships is a bunch of ships together to make a aconimy
Large ships carry lifeboats because large ships occasionally sink. Lifeboats can carry the people who were on the large ships until they either reach land or can be rescued by another boat.
Field Signature Method spool piece. It is a system for monitoring changes in the pipe wall over a relatively large area of subsea pipe. It is used to detect, monitor and ensure control of corrosion in pipelines.
The sizes vary from small ships to large ships, though the size of ships ranges from 2074-6360 passengers, though specific tonnage and capacities can be found on wikipedia.
A spool of thread is very cheap. Spools of thread can be as cheap as a dollar or less a spool.
large ships
Emma Spool was created in 1982.
A real reel is a genuine spool.
That spool is just the right size for my project.
If you are talking about a diff. A mini spool replaces the planetary gears in the diff centre. A full spool replaces the whole centre except the crown wheel.