At least 880 since 1908.But a good question to ask to find the best results would be to ask "What is the growth of COLLEGE soccer.
The growth of the military-industrial complex
"They used airplanes, some guns, water, and rubber bands" -MItch Reavis I heart soccer BTW.
Yes it has. Football (US aka - Soccer) is the most popular sport in the world, So every year, every championship there are more and more teams, more internationl teams, who never had a football team before. Football is going on!
Think of the internet, cars, health improvements, and safety.
THE US Fed was established in 1913 and the USA economy badly needed a foreign war to stimulate industrial growth expansion and most important of all the creation of debt.
Soccer in Europe is generally thought to be played at a quicker pace than US soccer
Soccer is U.S.
try to guess
there is the women's us soccer team.
Soccer is played somewhere in the US every day.
Soccer Looker
soccer is football with a little booty
um.idk....i.luv soccer............
The history of us soccer is fairly bad. we have not won a championship but we have good players.
Chivas soccer team is from Mexico