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No, but if you spike it after any other play, i.e. you are frustrated, you got a first down or an INT, you will probably be penalized.

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Q: Is it Illegal to spike the football after a touch down?
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Are you considered down where the knee hits or where the ball hits in football?

What matters is where the ball is when any part of your body besides your foot or hand touch the ground. Or if you get caught and pushed back, it's the point of maximum forward progress, on the theory that the play ended when you started to be pushed backwards.

Are you down if your knee doesn't hit the ground?

No, unless either of your hands touch the ground, or your head/helmet.

When is the ball or player considered down in NFL football?

The runner is considered down when either a: His forward progress stops or b: any part of his body other than his foot or hand touches the ground AND he is touched by a player of an opposing team. There is no "down by contact" in college football. That's only in the pros. When a college player goes down he cannot get up and continue running, period. He does not have to be touched by an opposing player to be considered down.

When an offensive player's shin hits the ground while carrying the ball is he considered down?

Not in the NFLNope. At least not in the NFL. If a ball carrier falls down on top of an opposing player and does not otherwise touch the ground, he is not considered down by contact and may continue to advance the ball.Some part of the ball carrier's body, other than his hands or feet, has to make contact with the ground for him to be considered down(Technically, a knee or elbow or helmet has to make contact with the turf for the carrier to be down).This is true for all levels of football play: HS, NCAA, NFL.

In football if you are down on another player are you down?

It depends. If your knee is touching the ground, or if the ball is, you are considered "down by contact". If both the ball and your knee are off the ground, you are still able to get up and run. (This has happened numerous times with players falling over an opposing player, landing on their feet and continuing on)

Related questions

What is illegal contact in pro football?

On a punt, if the kicking team is the first to touch the ball, it's called an "illegal touch" and the ball is instantly spotted wherever the ball was touched by the kicking team. The receiving team takes over possession from there on a first down.

What does TD mean in football?

touch down(6 points)

What does to spike a cannon mean?

The phrase 'to spike a cannon' meant to disable it by driving a tapered wrought iron plug, or spike, down the touch hole with a hammer until it was level and firmly embedded.

How many downs does it get to get a touch down?

In American football? Four

What is 2 hand touch football?

instead of tackling you touch the person with 2 hands to get a down

What is the dance called after making a touch down in football?

That is called a touch down dance. Google "the Icky Shuffle" to see the greatest touchdown dance of all time.

What does 6 p for a TD in AF mean?

6 points for a touch down in American football.

What Is roll-ball in Touch Football?

A roll-ball in touch is were u put the ball down at your feet then step over it and the dummy picks it up

Who has the most football pass attempts without a touch down pass in a Super Bowl?

Kerry Collins

Where in touch football does the energy system get used?

If you're talking about which position, it would be all of them. It's not really a good question. Touch Football efforts can be broken down into about 50% anaerobic 30% aerobic and a 20% combination of the two

NFL Why is it called a touchdown when you don't?

American football is derived from an English game called Rugby Union. In Rugby the equivalent to a touch down is called a try. To score a try you have to "touch the ball down" on the ground.

Who came up the name touchdown?

It comes from rugby, where a player has to literally touch the ball down in the end zone for the score to count. American football -- which evolved from rugby -- originally required players to touch the ball down, too. The rule was eventually eliminated, but the name of the score stuck.