Would guess the item would be worth a few quid if it was the genuine article! Guessing you have this item in your hands, would be interested to know how you acquired it! It is my goal (Hmm!) to eventually get a FA Cup winners medal and or a championship winners medal.
The price of a Turkish Crimea War medal varies depending on the condition of the item. Prices are valued anywhere from $200.00 to $400.00 for one medal.
Actual cash value for the "Purple Heart" is around $35.00. The sentimental value and Honor of having one is "Priceless"!
$20-$30 if it's in perfect condition. The medals aren't worth much because the US government awarded them to ANYONE who had served ONE or more days of service between 1941-46. That's millions of them.
it well be about 57 dollars its
Not much
They get a sack of masa
$1194 a month
around $300 an hour
An original medal is worth between £25-£30