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alomost all of them involve jumping or your legs and knees and other parts

p.s stay in school :)

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Q: Why do most sports injuries result in damage to ligaments and tendons?
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Tough white tissues that connect bones?

Ligaments are tough white tissues that connect bones, providing stability and support to joints. They are made of dense connective tissue and help to prevent excessive movement of the bones. Injuries to ligaments can result in pain, instability, and reduced range of motion in the affected joint.

How to use a sentence with tendon?

The tendon connects muscles to bones, allowing for movement of joints. Injuries to tendons can result in limited mobility and pain. Rehabilitation exercises and rest are commonly used to treat tendon injuries.

Bones are held by together?

Bones are held together by ligaments, which are strong bands of connective tissue that attach bone to bone. Ligaments provide stability and support to joints, allowing for movement and function in the body. Injuries to ligaments, such as sprains, can result in joint instability and pain.

What is muscle damage?

The muscle damage is usually caused by either a muscle pull or a muscle strain. The muscle damage is usually as a result to the tendons attaching the muscles.

'Bands of connective tissue that hold the skeleton together'?

Ligaments are bands of connective tissue that hold bones together at a joint. They provide stability and support to the joint during movement. Injuries to ligaments, such as sprains, can result in pain and instability in the affected joint.

2 injuries that can be sustained at the joint?

Two common injuries that can occur at the joint are sprains and dislocations. A sprain is the stretching or tearing of ligaments, while a dislocation is the displacement of bones at the joint. Both injuries can result in pain, swelling, and limited range of motion.

Explain why sprains and injuries to joint cartilages are particularly troublesome?

Sprains involve stretching or tearing of joint ligaments. Because ligaments are poorly vascularized, healing is slow. Cartilage injuries, particularly of the knee, are common in contact sports and may result from excessive twisting or high pressure. The avascular cartilage is unable to repair itself.

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Acceleration and deceleration movements of the head often result in polar injuries in which?

Acceleration and deceleration movements of the head can result in polar injuries in which the brain moves back and forth within the skull. This can lead to shearing forces that damage brain structures and cause diffuse axonal injury. These injuries can result in symptoms such as loss of consciousness, memory loss, and cognitive impairments.

How can you make yourself faint?

It would be irresponsible to tell you because it's not good for your health. It could result in the death of brain cells (which don't grow back). You could break a bone or damage ligaments, tendons, etc. You could hit your head when you fall and cause serious, permanent damage, including death (in some cases). Sure, you're curious, but it's really not a good idea to try.

What causes brain damages?

Brain damage, can result from trauma to the head following an accident.

Why facial injuries should be treated ASAP?

facial injuries require special attention because they can damage several of the senses,,,the airway and possibly result in permanent the case of the cheek and chin ,, injuries also may result in loss of function if facial nerves or muscles are injured