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It depends on the type of injury. There are several structures that make up the elbow joint and the injury would be a description of injury and the structure affected.

For example:

Golfer's elbow/Little leaguer's elbow - affects the medial ligaments

Tennis elbow - affects the lateral ligaments

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Q: What is a medical name for a sports injury affecting the elbow?
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To tape an elbow injury, first clean and dry the area. Then apply a protective underwrap if desired. Use sports tape or kinesiology tape to wrap around the elbow, providing support and stability while allowing for proper movement. Make sure the tape is snug but not too tight to restrict circulation.

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Can a elbow injury affect your shoulder?

Yes, an elbow injury can affect your shoulder. Pain or restricted movement in the elbow can lead to compensation patterns in the shoulder joint, potentially causing discomfort or dysfunction in the shoulder area. It is important to address both the elbow and shoulder to prevent further injury or issues.

What kind of doctor should you see for elbow pain caused by a prior injury?

You can see an orthopedist or physiatrist for post-injury elbow pain.

Can you bend your elbow with hairline fracture?

It is possible to bend your elbow with a hairline fracture, but it may be painful or uncomfortable to do so. It is important to consult with a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment, as continued movement could worsen the injury.

What is a common injury in the US?

A common injury in the US are sports injuries. These include ankle sprain, groin pull, hamstring strain, shin splints, knee injury, and tennis elbow. Without proper physical therapy, these injuries most often worsen over time.

If you have raynauds syndrome and a workers comp elbow injury should the raynauds also be covered if it was brought on by the elbow injury?

In the UK this depends totally on whether a medical expert can verify that the Reynauds syndrome was connected to the elbow injury - so long as injuries are verified to be caused by the negligence of an employer you can claim compensation for all the injuries caused. This is known as causation. To see an example of hoe to claim for Reynauds Syndrome in the UK please see the related link entitled "Reynauds Syndrome".

Can finger pain and stiffness be related to an elbow injury?

Yes! But it could also be a begging of Arthritis. If the pain and stiffness continues, he should seek medical advise and help

Should you move your arm while you have a fractured elbow?

It is best to avoid moving your arm if you suspect you have a fractured elbow. Moving it could worsen the injury and cause more pain or damage. Seek medical attention immediately for proper evaluation and treatment.

If an injury caused damage to the insertion of the biceps brachii muscle the injury would be nearest?

the elbow