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Terrible. Recent uprises in 2014 show that 30% more people are becoming Sports Medicine Doctors. If you choose this career prepare for competition.

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Q: What is a job market like for sports medicine doctor?
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Can a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine write prescriptions and perform medical procedures like a Doctor of Medicine?

Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) can write prescriptions and perform medical procedures just like Doctors of Medicine (M.D.) can. Both are fully qualified physicians.

What is an osteopathic doctor MD?

The Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) and the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) are equally qualified medical physicians. The D.O. is trained in much the same way as an M.D., but with the addition of osteopathic manipulative medicine techniques.

Is a naturopathic doctor the same as a DO?

No, DO stands for Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, which is equivalent to an MD, which stands for Doctor of Medicine. Both DOs and MDs are medical physicians. However, a naturopathic doctor is not really a licensed medical physician like a DO or MD.

What is the MD for a family doctor?

MD stands for Medicinae Doctor, or Doctor of Medicine. It's just an abbreviation, like PhD or MBA for example.

What colleges or universities have sports medicine as a major and that are division 1 in sports?

Probably harvard, stanford, yale, and schools like that

Sports medicine pros and cons?

pro- it makes yah real real buff an its medicine con- you could overdose and die on the toilet like elvis

What are some of the setbacks of sports medicine?

Sports medicine in general is an excellent career path as a physician, athletic trainer, physical therapist, or any health care professional. In terms of disadvantages, they would of course be highly subjective and individualized to each person considering one of these careers. Sports medicine in general tends to deal with orthopedic injuries as the most common type of injury/illness managed. So, if a health care professional is very interested in managing hematologic disease,or pulmonary pathology, they may feel limited in their scope. Further, to separate from orthopedic surgery, sports medicine physicians tend to do more basic procedures, such as ultrasound-guided tendon/joint injections. A potential drawback to a surgeon-minded aspiring physician would be the fact that a sports medicine doctor does not perform any major surgeries like their orthopedic surgeon counterparts.

What are 5 different types of doctors?

* [+] Allergology * [+] Andrology * [+] Anesthesia * [+] Angiology * [+] Aviation medicine * [+] Cardiology * [+] Dentistry * [+] Dermatology * [+] Disaster medicine * [+] Emergency medicine * [+] Endocrinology * [+] Gastroenterology * [+] General practice * [+] Geriatrics * [+] Gerontology * [+] Gynecology * [+] Hematology * [+] Hepatology * [+] Immunology * [+] Infectious diseases * [+] Intensive care medicine * [+] Medical genetics * [+] Military medicine * [+] Nephrology * [+] Neurology * [+] Nuclear medicine * [+] Obstetrics * [+] Oncology * [+] Ophthalmology * [+] Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery * [+] Otolaryngology * [+] Paleopathology * [+] Palliative medicine * [+] Pathology * [+] Pediatrics * [+] Podiatry * [+] Psychiatry * [+] Pulmonology * [+] Radiology * [+] Rehabilitation medicine * [+] Rheumatology * [+] Serology * [+] Sexual health * [+] Sports medicine * [+] Toxicology * [+] Transplantation medicine * [+] Urology

What was medicine and going to the doctor or dentist like for the colonists?

Really expensive, they didn't have any insurance.

Can a DO doctor do the same exams and physicals as a internal medicine MD?

Absolutely, Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) do the same physical exams as Doctors of Medicine (M.D.) and, just like Doctors of Medicine, can specialize in any branch of medicine including internal medicine.

Can a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine also be a gynecologist?

Yes, a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) is just the name of the medical degree. In the United States a D.O. can specialize in any field he or she wants, just like a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) As a matter of fact, they're often trained together in the same residency programs after medical school.

What does D.P.M. PC mean?

Medical Doctor is M.D.; D.P.M. means Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (in the U.S.) or Diploma of Psychological Medicine (in the U.K. or Ireland); PC usually stands for Physicians' Corporation, or like a practice of physicians