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Q: What herbs help to build muscle?
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Do dietary supplements , such as those available at GNC, help build muscle tone when used in conjunction with lifting free weights ?

They don't help build muscle, but they do increase your intake of protien which is what your body needs to build muscle.

What can I do to get more muscle growth?

People can build muscle growth by weight lifting and weight training can help you out too this online site can be of help with this one too .

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Will muscle strength supplements help me build my scrawny frame?

Yes, muscle strength supplements can help you build your scrawny frame. You also need to do some weight training.

Does ginseng build muscle?

Ginseng doesn't build muscle but there is evidence that it helps endurance. Ginseng can also help with loosing fat in the body.

Are high protein supplements good for bulking up?

High protein supplements will help you build muscle if you do some strength training. It will help you recover and build more muscle from these workouts.

Do leg raises help you lose fat?

no but it does build muscle

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how to help build up your muscle

Can you grow muscles with dumbells?

Yes, it is possible to build muscle with dumbbells. Dumbbells are considered a "resistance" training method and help build muscle substantially.

To lose fat is it better to build muscle or run?

Of course build more muscle , because when you have more muscle in the body , help burn about 50% more body fat , that you are burn. :-) .