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Sadly yes.

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Q: If your mammogram results are category 4 is it cancer?
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Related questions

What is bi-rads 4 on a mammogram?

BI-RADS 4 on a mammogram means there is a suspicious abnormality, and a biopsy might be required. It does not necessarily mean cancer.

What does a BIRADS 4 result from a mammogram indicate?

BIRADS 4 means suspicious for cancer. A biopsy is usually recommended in this case.

What category is Vancomycin?


Where can one purchase a Lumbar Pillow online?

Judging by the results the only suitable place to buy a Lumbar Pillow online is Amazon, which offers about 200 results in the Lumbar Pillow category, subdivided in 4 types.

What category was hurricane Bret?

category 4

What category was hurricane Keith?

Category 4.

What is a category 4 hurricane name?

Hurricane Ike is a category 4 hurricane.

Hurricane Gloria was what category?

Hurricane Gloria was a Category 4 hurricane when it made landfall in North Carolina in September 1985.

Can you name an organism that belongs to category 4?

Only if you tell us what you mean by "category 4".

What category was hurricane Dennis?

Dennis was a category 4 hurricane.

What category of hurricane was hurricane lily in 2002?

category 4

Do category 4 hurricanes have winds over 155 miles an hour?

No. 155 mph is close to the upper limit of category 4. Category 4 winds are in the range of 130 to 156 mph. Anything higher is a category 5.