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Like many other disciplines in medicine, sports medicine is becoming more complicated. While you might get by with high school math, the leading edge of this field is involved in injury prevention and the forces that cause them. This involves vector analysis. Still, not really super-advanced math, but complex enough if you don't do it every day.

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Q: How much math is used in sports medicine?
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How is math used in medicine?

they can be use to count how much they need to take a day and how much to put it in the pill

What is the relation between math and sports?

You need to put out effort in order to do well in math and in sports. Math is also used in score keeping in sports.

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Define the topic math and sports?

Math and sports are two topics that may not seem to have a lot in common, but they are closely related. Math is a subject that is used to understand and solve problems, while sports are an activity that uses physical and mental skills to compete or perform. Math and sports both require problem-solving skills and an understanding of the system in which they are played or solved. In sports, math is used to analyze performance data and understand patterns or trends in the game. For example, a coach may use statistics such as batting averages or shooting percentages to evaluate the performance of individual players or teams. Math is used to calculate the score of a game, such as football or basketball. It can also be used to calculate the probability of a team or individual winning a game or tournament. In math, sports can be used as an example to illustrate concepts such as angles and trajectories. For example, the trajectory of a tennis ball can be used to explain the concept of parabolas. Sports can also be used to help understand probability and statistics. For example, understanding the probability of a team winning a game or tournament can help students understand the concept of probability. Overall, math and sports are closely related topics. Math is used to analyze performance data in sports and to calculate the probability of a team or individual winning. Sports can be used as an example to illustrate math concepts and to help understand probability and statistics.

The importance of math in nursing?

Math is important in nursing especially working with pediatrics. Math is used to calculate medicine dosages and administer the right dose. It is used from pills to liquids to IV solutions.

How is math used in being a vet?

To measure how much medicine they get, how many centimeters of line to use for stitches , how big the cut is, and many more! Hope this helps! :)

How is math used in daily practice of dentistry?

Math is used in aligning xrays. Measuring medicine disbursement. Ratio of pain killers to body size. Depth measuring in drilling.

How do docters use math?

Math is used by doctors for a lot of things. Basic math is used to judge obesity (BMI) and medication doseages and frequency of administration. More complex calculation are used in vascular medicine (fluid mechanics ) and in other areas.

Why is math not used as much?

It is used everyday, worldwide.

What are the uses of mathematics in medical sciences?

Many medical sciences will use math everyday. Math be used when figuring out the correct dosage of medicine to give a patient.

How much math is used in accounting?

Math is constantly used in accounting. In fact, math is used in accounting more than anything else. Without a strong background in math, you will not be able to be an accountant.

What types of math is used on an electrical engineer's job how are they used and why are they used?

Math is a way of modeling circuits. Once you have a mathematical model of a circuit, you can start to vary the math which is much easier than building the circuit and varying the hardware. Today, computers do much of the math.