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It doesn't necessarily act as a brace but it's more for short term support. All it does is counter act with the tendons and support them. That is why you have to make sure it is done correctly or you could hurt yourself more

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Q: How does athletic tape or pre-wrap act as a knee brace for a sports injury?
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When do you need to get a knee brace?

When you get a knee injury.

Why might ankle braces be needed?

An ankle brace may be needed if one has a leg injury from a sports activity, or if a joint is loose or detached completely. As well, an ankle brace can be needed if one breaks a bone in the lower or upper foot.

What are foot braces used for training?

Foot braces may be used for athletic training for several different reasons. A person may have an injury and is trying to rehabilitate it without causing further damage. They may also be doing an extremely strenuous activity that has the potential for injury, so a brace is used as a preventive measure.

What is better to do with a hurt ankle in basketball wear a brace or use athletic tape?

No, the player wearing it my feel uncomfortable.

What type of knee brace should you buy?

The best type of knee brace for an ACL injury is the type with locking hinges. These can be locked when the injury is still bad to provide extra support then unlocked to allow more movement.

Can knee brace substitute use of plastering if there is injury to knee cap?

A knee brace can be used as substitute for plastering for injuries to the knee cap. If the knee cap is not broken, a knee brace can allow for more flexibility.

Why Does Same Bradford wear a knee brace?

because he just had a recent knee injury

Is wearing a wrist brace an OSHA recordable injury?

The fact that someone wears a wrist brace is not an injury so that is not OSHA recordable. However, if someone is injured and is receives medical treatment beyond first aid, and if part of that treatment is a requirement to wear a wrist brace, then that injury is OSHA recordable if other aspects of the injury meet the OSHA requirements for recordability.Never rely on the general information in a forum like this one when considering a legal issue such as OSHA recordability. Seek advice from a qualified specialist who understands the specifics of the particular injury and the requirements of the OSHA regulation.

What are the medical uses for a shoulder brace?

The medical uses for a shoulder brace are to protect the shoulder and keep it in place usually after a shoulder injury. These are often used when one has dislocated a shoulder.

What is the best ankle brace available in India fos ankle ligament injury?

protect.ankle laceup from the house of Pushpanjali medi India Pvt.Ltd. Offers a uniqe ankle brace with medial & lateral stabilization shell for ankle ligament injury, instability and after sprains

Can you play laser tag with a back brace on?

Playing laser tag with a back brace is completely dependent on the person wearing the back brace. The back brace would not limit you from "firing" the laser, nor would it prevent you from wearing the equipment. The speed of mobility is dependent upon your comfort level and the severity of the injury requiring you to wear the back brace.

What is the purpose of a neck brace?

There are several purposes for using a neck brace. A neck brace helps stabilize and imobilize someone from being able to move their neck. It helps protect a person from further injuring their neck.