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Q: Do greenstick fractures occur primarily in sports injuries in adults?
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Why are greenstick fractures common in children?

Childrens bones are bendier than adults. As a child grows up their bones become harder and not as easy to bend. Hope this helps :) x

What age groups do fractures effect?

Fractures are slightly more common in children and adolescents than in young adults due to the levels and kinds of activities in which they engage. Fractures become more common in adults as they age

Why are greenstick fracture more common in children?

Greenstick fractures are more common in children because their bones are softer and more flexible than adult bones. When a child's bone bends under stress, it may crack like a green stick, rather than break completely. The flexibility of children's bones also allows them to absorb more energy before fracturing.

A fracture that is common in children whose bones have relatively more collagen in their matrix and are more flexible than those of adults is?

Greenstick fracture is common in children because their bones have a higher collagen content and are more flexible than adults' bones. This type of fracture occurs when the bone bends and partially breaks, similar to how a green stick would break.

What alternative to otoplasty do adults have?

There are no effective alternatives to otoplasty in treating ear deformities or injuries in adults.

Why are greenstick fracture most common in children?

Childrens bones are bendier than adults. As a child grows up their bones become harder and not as easy to bend. Hope this helps :) x

Is A greenstick fracture associated with osteoporosis?

No not normally. They are more common in children as their bones are more bendable than an adults. This bendability allows the bone to fracture part way through instead of all the way through.

How many senior citizens have fall?

According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 3 seniors over 65 will fall each year in the U.S. In 2010, 2.3 million nonfatal fall injuries among older adults were treated in emergency departments and more than 662,000 of these patients were hospitalized. Twenty to thirty percent of people who fall suffer moderate to severe injuries such as lacerations, hip fractures, or head traumas. These injuries can make it hard to get around or live independently, and increase the risk of early death.

Why is osteoporosis linked to fractures in older adults?

Because over the years these old people, have weaker bones due to lack of calcium in their diet.

What is the leading cause of anosmia in adults?

Anosmia occurs in about 10% of head trauma injuries, and head trauma is a leading cause of anosmia in young adults. In older adults, the disorder is generally caused by viral infection.

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in study island Small adults are vulnerable to airbag injuries.

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Amphibians primarily live in water during their early stages of life, but as adults, they typically live on land.