Tiger or Tigers is used for 151 colleges,high schools ,and pro teams that are registered.....with Cardinals or cardinal a close second at 144
It stands for Edsel, as in Alfred Edsel Neuman, mascot of Mad Magazine.
it could be both a girl name and a boy name, but it is most commonly used as a boy name.
Answer 2 Georgios,Kostas, Konstantinos, Eleni, Panagiotis but to my opinion by far most used name is Maria
The name "Israel" which was given to Jacob by God is used the most in the Bible, 2579 times, though mostly as a reference to the people and nation that descended from him. Apart from that, the name, "David," is used 1141 times. The name, "Jesus," is used 966 times in the New Testament. In the Hebrew text the divine name, rendered in some bible as Jehovah, Yah·weh', even sometimes YHWH, occurs occurs 6,823 times in the old Hebrew Scriptures
The most used mascot is the bulldog and the boxer.
The Oakland Raiders don't have a mascot. The pirate is just the symbol, but it's not the mascot and it does not have a name.
well it can be any mascot which mascot are u looking for??
The name of the LEGO Club mascot is Max.
McDonalds first mascot name was speede
The name of the mascot for Nova Southeastern is Razor.
it is TUX
Cowboy Joe is the name of the Wyoming Cowboys mascot.
Louie is the name of the St. Louis Blues mascot
The name of the mascot for the 2010 Commonwealth Games was Shera.