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Q: How many laps do you swim in a 400 yard race?
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How many laps is 1000 yard swim?

In a 25-yard pool, 40 lengths (or 20 laps) equals 1000 yards.

How many lenghts is a mile in a 23m swimming pool?

A 23 meter pool is equal to a 25 yard pool. In a swim race, the mile is 66 laps. An actual mile is 68 laps. Its weird.

What is the difference in number of laps to swim a mile between a 25-yard pool and a 25-meter pool?

first, how many laps to swim a mile in a 25 yard pool. Second, how many laps to swim a mile in a 25 meter pool. Third, subtract the lowest number to get your answer.

How many laps to swim 9 tenths of a mile?

Depends on how long the pool is....? 32 laps of a 55 yard pool is one mile... just under 30 laps

Swim team races in a pool 25 yards long how many laps must a person swim to finish a 400 yard?


How many laps are in a .75k swim?

.75k = 820.209974 yards. If you are swimming a 25 yard pool: A lap (technically defined as ONE length of a pool not two): 32.8 laps is the answer. So if you're swimming a sprint tri, swim 33 laps.

How many laps must you swim to finish 400 yard race?

Depends how big your pool is, doesn't it? A 25-yard pool would make you do 4 lengths (one-way across) per 100 yds, which is 16 lengths for 400 yds.

How many laps are in a speed skating race?

12 1/2

How many laps in a pool to swim 62 mile?

4787.2 laps if the pool is 25 yards long. And 4377.4157 laps if the pool is 25 meters long...

How many laps must you swim in a 25 yard pool to get to 1.2 miles?

42 (42*2*25= 2,100yds = 1.19mi)

How many laps in 25 yard pool is a mile?

A mile is equivalent to 1760 yards. In a 25-yard pool, you would need to swim 70.4 laps to complete a mile (1760 yards ÷ 25 yards = 70.4 laps).

How many laps do swimmers usually swim in a swim meet?

It depends what event you do i a swim meet. Like 1oo free, 200 free, etc. But 100,25, 50 doesn't man 50 laps or whatever,it means yards or meters. See, each lap is a 25 yard or meter lap. So 100 is 4 laps. Thanks :)