Although the problem of figuring out how hard and at what angle to throw a football in order for it to arrive at a particular place and at a particular time is mathematical in nature, people do these calculations intuitively, rather than by solving equations in their heads. So football players don't really use math. Football can be played successfully by people who know nothing about math.
They are related because in football you have to find the angle to throw it and in math u have to find angles too
math can be related to sports by finding the batting average of a baseball or softball player it is all percentage, and distance to the back. with football its yardage. physics and be related in almost every sport the friction of the puck on the ice or the push pull in a football game. even finding the exact spot a football/or baseball will fall after it is thrown using the velocity and angle of the throw
Math is not very important in coaching football. You have to know how many yards are needed for a first down, but the score board usually tells you that, as well as the down, how much time is left and the score. However, this does not mean that math is not important to a football coach. A football coach is also a human being and has to live in the world when he not out on the football field. He has to make financial decisions for example.
yards is as long as a football filed
So football players know where to go
Math classes up to and including geometry,
all jobs need math.because math is used as a important thing in many jobs . for example a football player has to know how many touchdown it team did. another example is that a teacher has to know how many students are in her classroom ,or to buy how school supplies.
in all different jobs like eing a laywer,football player,police officer,bueaty stylist, because of checks and money
Math can be used in a various ways in football. Here are just some examples: - calculating the probability of making a touchdown with each of the plays - figuring out how far the football is from the end zone - finding statistics for each team in order to determine the amount of difficulty
goal keeper is considered as the important player in a football team. he is the only player who can use hand. he is the guardian of the team and a saver. that's why goalkeepers are important in football.
They are related because in football you have to find the angle to throw it and in math u have to find angles too
The studs help to avoid the football player from slipping on the damp turf when playing a game of football.
because math is used for everything in football if u run a 5 yard and in u have to cut at a 90 degree angle or just gaining a yard or scoring. math is used in football for everything because math is used for everything in football if u run a 5 yard and in u have to cut at a 90 degree angle or just gaining a yard or scoring. math is used in football for everything
well i will give you a list of people who dont use football helmets. Hockey players, cheese makers, mechanics and so on..... Obviously a football player would use a FOOTBALL HELMET!!!
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