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Q: A player throws 3 darts at the board his score is the sum of the integers in the areas his darts hits the board how many different scores are possible find each score?
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What is Jagged Array in C?

A Jagged array is an array of arrays. You can initialize a jagged array as − int[][] scores = new int[2][]{new int[]{92,93,94},new int[]{85,66,87,88}}; Where, scores is an array of two arrays of integers - scores[0] is an array of 3 integers and scores[1] is an array of 4 integers.

How are integers used in the real world today?

Integers are any whole number, positive or negative, including 0. An example of integers used in the world would be sports game scores, as no one ever scores a fraction of a point.

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The scores themselves arn't different but the music was more regal and smooth.

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If a player is in the penalty box and some one scores you get to get out of the box. Example: I get a penalty and my team scores I get to get out. Or I'am in the penalty box and then the other team scores I get to get out.

What do different IQ scores mean?

Different IQ scores are always different. If its lower the 70 you are mentally challenged. 100 is average.

What different tactics can be used playing Tetris?

For single player tetris the best tactic is to build up as many lines a possible with just a one block gap. Then once the long single block appears you can drop it into the space and achieve the highest scores.

The mean of 5 different scores is 10 what are the largest and smallest possible values for the median if all test scores must be whole numbers?

If scores of zero are permitted, the lowest median is 2 as in (0,1,2,3,44) and the highest median is 10 as in (8,9,10,11,12). If a zero score is not permitted, then the lowest median is 3 as in (1,2,3,4,40).

Is your fica score a combination of all three credit bureaus?

No. There are actually 49 different FICO scores. Different credit bureaus use different scores for different industries.

What does assist mean in nicktoons basketball?

You pass the ball to a player and then that player scores.

Are oaks math scores between different grades comparable?

No. The math scores of two or more different grade levels are not comparable. Different grade levels have different comprehension and knowledge standards.

What does a player that scores hat trick get?

satisfaction. and three points.

Name of Area in which a player scores a touchdown?

the end zone