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It is probably the shape of their hoof or a deformity in their leg.


Actually, it is not the shape of their hoof, it is the position of it. Horses can be toed in or toed out, also they may be cow-hocked these could lead to 'paddling' when they trot.

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Q: Why do some horses paddle when they trot?
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Can a Tennessee Walking horse trot?

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No, it's called doggy paddle which dogs can only do but horses do a similar kind of way.

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horses walk,trot,canter and gallop.

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No but they do pace trot and gallop.

Of a skip walk canter and trot which is not a gait in horses?

a skip. the horses main gaits are walk, trot, canter, and gallop for English horses, but walk, job, lope, and gallop for western

Can Gaited horses like Tennese Walking horses Trot and Canter in other words Jog and lope?

It depends on the breed of horse. A Tennesse Walker can do all the gaits. Um, NO that is wrong. ANY horse, can Walk,Trot(Jog),Loap(Canter), and Gallop. Thoroughbreds can Breeze, and gated horses like the Tennese Walker, just have a few more gaits. Well, you see, if we're going to get technical, it depends on what you're asking. Are you asking if they can trot and canter like normal horse or are you asking if they can trot and canter naturally, at birth, without training. If your question is the latter, then no. Not all horses can trot. Some Standardbreds are born as pacers, which means they pace instead of trot. They can be retrained to trot, but it is not natural to them.

What is a human command that horses respond to?

whoa!! some horses can be trained with voice commands to just walk trot canter and gallop but it takes practice

Which of these is not a gait for a horse A trot B skip C walk D canter?

Horses can walk, trot or canter. They do not skip. The 4(normal) gaits are walk trot canter gallop, whilst you do get some such as extended moves and collected moves etc etc Most horses walk, trot, canter and gallop. The gallop is actually a fast canter but instead of having a 3 beat gait it has a 4 beat gait. There are also special breeds of horses that do other gaits. These horses are called "gaited". Some breeds that are gaited include: Rocky Mountain Horses, Kentucky Saddle Horses, Tennessee Walkers, Icelandics and Missouri Fox trotters.

What is a 4 letter word for horses gait?
