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If your horse can't take any weight on the affected leg, you need to call the vet immediately. It is possible that he has dislocated a joint or broken the leg. Because a horse is so heavy and its legs so fragile, when a horse is unable to take weight on one of its legs the opposite leg (ie right hind, in this case) often buckles under the strain, so 'let's wait and see if it's any better in the morning' is the worst thing you can do in this case. The sooner you call the vet, the better your chance of saving the horse. A dislocation or damaged tendon can probably be repaired; a fracture probably can't, depending on its location. At any rate, he is probably in a lot of pain so please, please call the vet.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

It cld be sick, or sleeping, if it continues call a vet

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Q: Why can't my horse put his left hind leg down he can't move?
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In what order does a horse put its feet down when its cantering left?

1. Back Right 2. Back Left and Front Right at the same time 3. Front Left its the opposite for cantering/loping rightThe right hind foot hits the ground first, followed by the left hind and right front together. The leading leg, the left front, hits the ground last.

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The horse has 3 basic gaits. Walk (4 beat), trot (2 beat) and canter/lope (3 beat). For the walk the horse will step forward with one hind foot and then the opposite front foot steps forward and visa-versa. Example: right hind=left front then left hind=right front. This only applies to the walk. Trot and canter have their own cadance.

What is the order of legs in canter?

Right hind, left front, Left Hind, Right front

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Well in a basic 3 beat canter the legs move in this basic way. The right hind leg pushes the horse forward and the other three legs are suspended for a moment then the left rear and right fore legs land while the right hind is still on the ground, finally the left foreleg lands on the ground and the other three legs are pulled up under the horse.

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When a horse runs on the left lead (the left front leg reaches farther than the right leg) the hooves land in this order: Right hind, left hind, right front, left front, repeat. When on the right lead, the hooves land in this order: Left hind, right hind, left front, right front. There is also a short period where the horse is completely airborne after the last front leg hits the ground. Then it starts over.

How does horse move?

Horses move by using a four-beat gait called a "trot" or a two-beat gait called a "gallop." Their movement is powered by powerful leg muscles that propel them forward. Horses can also walk, trot, canter, and gallop, depending on the speed and gait needed.

How horses legs move?

The primary gates of the horse are the walk (a four beat gait) the trot (a two beat gait where diagonal limbs move in tandem), the canter (a three beat gait) and the gallop (a four beat gait). There are several other gaits: pace, rack, running walk, single foot, tolt, fino, etc.

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The chestnut is located on the inside left and right hind legs of a horse, the chestnut is one of the many toes a horse use to have but later developed a hoof because of there being no need for toes! hope this helped :D

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They're called Trotters. Their legs move diagonally - right hind, left fore. Left hind, right fore. Pacers have a lateral gait - both left feet move together, both right feet move together. there called a "pacer" horse some other people just call them "trotters"

Where is the activities box in howrse?

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How do you control your horse on my horse club?

to control your horse on my horse club u use the up and down arrows to go forward and back and your mouse to turn it left and right

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