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Q: Where is the stallion called Prince Nazeem who was the sire of my horse?
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Related questions

What is an intact male horse called?

An intact male horse is called a stallion.

What is a male wild horse called?

A male horse is called a stallion, unless it is neutered, in which case it is called a gelding. Obviously, a male wild horse is not neutered, so it is a stallion.

what is called a male horse called i know it already?


What is a male adult horse called?

An adult horse is either a mare or a stallion. A male adult is a stallion, and a female horse is a mare.

What is a old male horse called?

If it can have foals, a Stallion, if it can't, a Gelding.

What is an aldut male horse called?

If uncastrated, a stallion. If castrated, a gelding.Did you mean "what is a male horse called?"If so, then a male horse who has not been castrated is called a Stallion and one who has been castrated is called a Gelding.

What is mature male horse called?

A stallion and a desexed male horse is called a gelding. a pony. (In order to be a pony they have to be less than 10 hands tall)

What is a full grown horse called?

a fully grown female horse is called a mare & a fully grow male horse is called a stallion

What is a stallion called?

It is otherwise just called a horse. Or a male horse.

What is a group of horses called and name of male horse?

A group of horses is called a herd. A male horse is called a stallion.

Adult male horse?

male horsesif the horse has not been cut (meaning it can still reproduce ) it is called a stallion, if it has been cut , it is called a gelding or a male foal is called a colt.

What is a male horse cald?

for a start i hope you mean 'called'. and a male horse is called either a stallion if it has not been castrated (bits chopped off) or a colt which is a younger stallion or a gelding if it has been castrated.