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Q: What year did the US come in to the World War 2?
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What year was it that the US joined World War 2?

1941 .

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The first mosque in the US was built after the first world world war in year and was completed in year 1934.

How did the US and US come out of world war 2?

The US and the USSR were the most powerful nations on earth.

What year did the US entered world war 1?

1917 smart

What year did World War 2 begin not including the us?

last year lol

Why and when did the US join World War 1?

The us joined ww1 in the year of 1917.

When did the US go to War World 1?

The US entered World War 1 on April 6, 1917. It remained in the war until it ended about a year and a half later.