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you say halt and pull back on the rains and another word is ho or woo any of those will do.

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Q: What word do you use to tell a racing horse to stop?
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Takeout means to out-run the whole herd.

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"Pursang" is a Catalan word that means "thoroughbred" or "purebred horse" in English. It is commonly associated with high-quality horse breeding and racing.

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one word i tell

Word used to tell a horse to stop?

Sit up straight and deep in the saddle so your weight is in the saddle gently sqeeze the reins(pull and release pressure )make sure you keep your legs on the horses sides but don't 'kick' your horse should respond you should also tell your horse with your voice.

What is the meaning of hippodrome?

An open-air stadium in ancient Greece or Rome with an oval track that was used for horse or chariot racing. The word derives from the Greek hippo = horse dromos = passageway.

What does ggs mean in racing?

Racing horses are often referred to as Gee-Gee's because of Henry Gee. He was the founder of the Chester Race track and is said to have reformed the sport of horse racing.

What is a thoroughbreed horse?

A Throughbred is a breed of horse, that is often used for show jumping and dressarge.

What animal verb is horse?

The word 'horse' is a noun.There is a verb that has the word 'horse' in it. It is 'to horse around'.It means to fool about.Example of usage: "Oh the kids are horsing around again. Please go and tell them to settle down and get on with their work!"

How do you use the word gallop in a sentence?

Each morning we took the horses for a gallop along the beach.

How long is 12 furlongs?

Furlong is an ancient word that now has limited use, with the notable exception of horse racing measurements. 12 furlongs is 1.5 miles.

The word Dakota is that the key word to stop a runaway horse carriage?

Only a certain kind of horse. Those horses carried gold. The word Dakota was the only way of stopping them so bandits couldn't simply stop them by saying "whoah!" or something. At least i think this is right....Hope this helped! :P