

Best Answer

#1, get your priorties straight.

#2, get a new wife.

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Q: What should I do if my wife gets mad at me for playing too much golf?
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What should you do if you buy two pairs of Nike Junior golf gloves and they virtually disintegrate on first use and you think they are not actual Nike's?

Nike Junior Golf gloves are an excellent product. If they completely disintegrated after a short period of playing golf or hitting golf balls then they should be returned to the retailer for a refund or store credit. Counterfeit products do occur in golf. It is also possible that you are gripping the golf club much, much too tightly.

Do you play better golf with expensive golf balls?

It's not so much about playing better golf as gaining greater distance with your shots.

How much do you get paid by playing golf?

about 1,ooo,ooo millon

How long has Tiger been playing golf and how much has he made?

He's been playing ever since he was a baby

How much does a player gets for playing in the pro bowl?


Should golf not be a sport because golf doesn't result in much cellular respiration?

Golf should be a sport because although golf does not require as much physical activity as other sports, it still requires some athletic skill and you are still competing with other players. Now poker on the other hand, is not a sport.

Where can my friend get golf lessons online?

The best website there is the golf there it will show you everything you and your friend will need to learn everything there is to know about golf. And you shall find much more information on which you can go by. you can buy the acquired things you need to be all you can be at playing golf.

What are Barack Obama's favorite sports things to do?

He enjoys playing golf and he very much enjoys a game of basketball with his friends.

How much money does amutures make in US Open golf?

Amateurs make no money from playing in any professional event.

How much should a 1-year-old girl weigh?

It all depends on how much she eats and if she gets enough exercise each day by going on walks or even just playing on an activity carpet.

Did Barack Obama play Augusta?

He probably would have liked to, since he very much enjoys playing golf (something he shares with several previous presidents). But since he did not begin playing golf till he was 30, he never developed the skills to become a professional golfer.

Which president's favorite sport was golf?

Harding and Eisenhower were noted as playing gold while they were president. Kennedy was supposedly an excellent golfer but did not play much as president or if he did, it not attract much attention in the press. I think Clinton also plays golf.