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it is normally different from event to event and what there rules and regulation say but normally it is 18 degrees Celsius in the uk, it has been at all my events in the uk anyway. you would normally get an emails or text message the day on the event of before state the temp of the water

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Q: What is the cutoff temp of water between a wetsuit swim and a non wetsuit swim in a triathlon?
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Does a triathlon wetsuit increase your speed?

yes, if you are good at taking it off and the swim is open water and not very short. it makes you more streamlined and increases bouyancy

What is the water temperature in February of Corpus Christi bay?

The water temperature in CC Bay in February is approximately 56 degrees F. If you are thinking of doing the HITS Triathlon in February, prepare to have the correct wetsuit and neoprene swimcap

What is the difference between a diving wetsuit and a surfing wetsuit?

in one of the them you are wet and in the other one you are dry honest... it's that simple. a wetsuit is (usually) made of neoprene and allows a limited amount of water into the suit. that is why you want a good fitting wetsuit, because you do NOT want a lot of water moving in and out of the suit, just a little. this small amount of water (debateably) warms up and helps the insulation properties of the wetsuit a drysuit is just that. you are COMPLETELY dry for the duration of your dive. it is therefor also much more complex in construction to complete this herculean task of keeping all water out of the suit from neck seals, to arm seals and such. ps: it is easy to weeWee in wetsuit, you need to have all kinds of special apparatus to weeWee in a drysuit.

What is the best wetsuit for cold water swimming?

The Blueseventy!!!

Can scuba diving ruin a tri wetsuit?

Possibly as the tri-wetsuit might not be designed to swim in salt water though I'd be surprised if salt water was harder on the suit than chlorinated water

What do you need to train to surf?

Waves, a board and wetsuit if the water is not warm.

Where can one buy wetsuit gloves?

A wetsuit is something used to for anyone engaging in water sports to keep them warm, protected and afloat. Places to find some wetsuit gloves is in sporting good stores or on the Amazon website. Prices are about $15-$60.

How cold can a3.6 mm wetsuit handle?

I've been in water with a 3/2mm wetsuit down to 53-54 degrees, of course I had boots and gloves, and it was chilly, but manageable. I hope this answers your question because i've never heard of a 3.6 mm wetsuit before.

Why do you wear a wetsuit when swimming with dolphins?

Because the water is more cold than regular water when u swim with them.

Who invented the ripcurl h- bomb electronic wetsuit?

Aquatech water imaging and technolgy

What is a sport involving water?

surfing, sailing, swimming, water polo, and a triathlon, water skiing, wake boarding

How do you stop water getting into the arms of your wetsuit through the wrist area?

you dont suck it up