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they eat and hunt during the day

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Q: What does the panther do during the day?
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Related questions

How does a panther spend its day?

Panthers usually hunt during the day for food when they are alone, because when they have cubs, they have to hunt for them. Also during the day, they train their cubs to grow up strong and brave.

Describe a typical day for a Florida Panther?

i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove panther's

Is a panther a day animal or a night animal?

Panthers are nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active during the night. They have excellent night vision which helps them hunt and navigate in low-light conditions.

What are the release dates for The Cinema Snob - 2007 Day of the Panther 1-36?

The Cinema Snob - 2007 Day of the Panther 1-36 was released on: USA: 16 August 2009

Which Michael Jackson music video shows him destroying a car?

During the panther dance at the end of the uncensored version of Black or White.

Who would win in a fight between a panther and a raven?

Night time? Panther. Near silence and natural camouflage work in its favor. During the day though, the raven would never allow itself to get caught. There wouldn't even be a fight. That said, straight up I gotta hand it to the Panther. Unless of course you're making a reference to the DC comics character. Then its Raven all the way.

Is there a cheat that lets you be king panther in multi on conker's bad fur day?


Is a black panther really nocturnal or diurnal?

There is no species of animal known as a panther. The term panther is a generic term and applies to any animal belonging to the Panthera genus and includes lions, tigers, leopards, snow leopards and jaguars. Some are nocturnal and some are diurnal and others can be active anytime of the day.

How can you treat a panther bite or attack?

anti biotics,saline one time. close during day outside.loose gauze night. no stitches let drain.rinse in shower once a day.rabies shots ater

What aircraft did john glenn fly in during the Korean war?

F9F Panther and F86F Sabre

How do you say panther in japanese?

Panther: Pansaa, or hyou. Black Panther: Kurohyou

How many pounds of food does a panther eat a day?

Panther is a generic term and does not apply to a single species. It may refer to a lion - panthera leoa tiger - panthera tigrisa leopard - panthera pardusa jaguar - panthera oncaa snow leopard - panthera unciaTo which species of panther were you referring?