Greyhound tracks in the United States are uniformly a quarter of a mile in circumverance.
The most common race distance is 5/16 mile. This starts down in a chute that extends beyond the start of the home stretch.
The next most common distance is 3/8 (6/16th) of a mile. This starts near the far turn on the backstretch.
Other common distances are 7/16th and 3/16th, both of which start near the head of the backstretch.
Rarely, a 9/16 distance race is run, sometimes known as a "Super Marathon". It begins in the same place as the 5/16 race does, and the greyhounds make two full circuits.
If one simply turns on their television in Australia and goes to a sports channel, or an animal channel such as Animal Planet, they can watch greyhounds, or if they wanted they could go to a race track and watch them race.
Only One.
The race track was 0. 12 miles.
To easily identify which dog is which.
200 metres.
400 meters
0.1 millimetres
544444444 billion meters long
Usually Greyhounds.
Well. horses race and so do greyhounds.
greyhounds race at cannington on Saturday night Wednesday night and i think some Sunday meetings greyhound race at cannington Saturday night Wednesday night and i think Sunday afternoon sometimes and the race caller is peter oneal