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apparently Leona Lewis rides dressage :)

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Q: Name someone famous who rode a horse?
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What is the name of Sam Houston's horse?

Sam Houston was a famous hero of early Texas history. He rode a special horse by the name of Saracen in the Battle of San Jacinto.

What was the name of the horse Robert Redford rode in the Horse Whisperer?


What was the name of the horse Teddy Roosevelt rode in the famous battle of san juan hill during the spanish -american war?

Little Texas

What was the name of the horse the queen rode at the trooping of colours 1969-86?

The name of the horse that HM the Queen rode at the Trooping of the Colour between 1969 and 1986 was called 'Burmese'.

What is the name of the grim reapers horse?

The bible states that 'Death rode a pale horse.' Answer Death rides his horse Binky (Terry Pratchett). Answer In Norse mythology Hel rode a three-legged horse called Helhest

Don rode a horse for 2 days on Friday night he finished on Monday how did he do it when he also rode on Monday?

Horse's name was Monday______________________________________________________________________There's actually more than one :He rode on a horse named Friday, then somehow finished his trip on another horse on Monday.He rode on a horse named Friday, but started on the day, Saturday, to end on Monday.

What was paul revers horses name?

brown beauty Answer 2: Paul Revers horse was never recorded in writing and the name of the horse he rode during his famous ride of 1775 is completely unknown. There is a Longfellow poem that says the name of the horse was ' Brown Beauty' but this mare was owned by someone else.

A man rode into town on wedsensday. He stayed two days then rode back on sunday. How did he do it?

His horse's name was monday. It's an old riddle, but it's usually friday.

What was the name of the horse that josh randall rode in dead or alive?


What did Jesus riding a horse symbolize?

He never rode a horse. He rode a donkey.

When was And the Horse They Rode In On created?

And the Horse They Rode In On was created on 1990-09-04.

A cowboy rode into town on Monday he stayed three days then left on Thursday how did he do it?

The circumstances you describe never said he stayed in town for the entire week. He rode into town on Tuesday and spent Tuesday day and night in town, *walked* out Wednesday and spent Wednesday through Saturday on the dusty trail, *walked* back into town on Sunday for two days and nights and rode out on Tuesday.