The Latin adjectives fortis, strenuus and animosuscan all mean brave
Well you could use the latin word for brave which is Amimus. And the latin word for heart which is Cor.
The Latin word 'fortis' mean strong or brave.
The words brave one in the Latin language translate into English as fortis. These words in Spanish translate as valiente.
The root word of fortitude is "fortis," which is a Latin word meaning "strong" or "brave."
"Fidelis et fortis" means "loyal and strong" in Latin.
Strong; brave.
There are more than one Latin word for 'strong'. It depends on what situation you are in. Some of them include: infragilis, durus, fortis, validus, potens (this is also used as a name) and firmus.
Some words that use the root word for 'worthy' in Latin include "valor" (meaning worth or value), "valiant" (brave or courageous), and "valuable" (having worth or importance).
Word family for "brave":cavecravegavegravepaveravesaveshaveslavestavewave
Fortis- brave/strong