the answer to this question is either that it depends on the breed;or yes;or no
Yes, galloping is faster than walking. Galloping is a four-beat gait where all four legs leave the ground at different times, allowing the horse to move at a faster speed compared to walking, which is a four-beat gait where one foot is always on the ground.
it is trotting,cantering,galloping,and running even walking is a gait because the horse steps 4 beats. There are four gaits referred to in horsemanship...the walk, trot, canter and gallop. These are determined not only by speed, but how the horse places its hooves down during the gait (3 beats or 4). When you hear someone refer to a horse as "gaited", it means the horse does not trot. This typically refers to "smoother" horses such as the Tennessee Walker, but is not limited to breeds like this.
walk= 4 beats trot= 2 beats canter= 3 beats gallop=4 beats this is 2 the best of my knowledge i am definant that walk and gallop r both 4 beats
It is a 4 beat gait.
4 times around a football field
For example a Lope or a canter which has a 3 beat gait. A gallop is 4 beats gait. A trot is a 2 beat gait as you can see the diffrance there are also gaited horses that have diffrent gaits like a single footed gait.
A horses jog, or trot, is a 2 beat gait.
Every horse breed can walk. The walk is the slowest gait and has 4 beats. Most of the time only one foot is off the ground at a time, but some horses with a faster walk may have two feet off the ground for a split second.
on 4 legs. /// same gait as the elephant i imagine
There are 4 gaits a horse will use: Walk, Trot, Canter/Lope, and Gallop. The answer to your question is A. Skip. This is not a gait.
It depends on the breed.