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Tug of War

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Q: In which sport do you walk backwards to win?
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What is a sport start with b and you have to go back to win?

Backstroke swimming is a sport in which you must swim backwards to win.

What is a sport that you move backwards to win besides backstrock and tug of war?


A sport in which you can move backwards?

swimming backstroke, figure skating (thought not continuously), rowing, tug-of-war.

Can caterpillars walk backwards?

Yes ants can walk backwards but most of them do not.

Which bird can walk backwards?

Many birds can walk backwards. Parrots, ostriches, doves and pigeons are just some birds which are able to walk backwards.

What are some Insects that walk backwards?

Some insects that are known to walk backwards include praying mantises, stick insects, and some species of beetles. These insects may use backward walking as a defensive strategy to confuse predators or to navigate through dense vegetation.

How do you walk backwards in woozworld?

In the chat box, type in /moonwalk your character will walk backwards instead of foward, but you must log out to undo it.

When was Emus Can't Walk Backwards created?

Emus Can't Walk Backwards was created in 2007.

Can sheep walk backwards?

Yes. Pigs are able to walk backwards.

Name another sport in which you move backwards to try to win besides tug of war aand backstroke?

Sports you move backwards to win are, the backstroke, the high jump, tug of war, rappelling, and rowing.

How many pages does Emus Can't Walk Backwards have?

Emus Can't Walk Backwards has 256 pages.

Can rhinoceros walk backwards?

This is a myth. Rhino's can walk backwards. The only animals that can't, are Emus and Kangaroos.