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depends on if your horse is a stalled horse or a pasture horse. pasture horses normally founder easliy. and stalled horses don't founder so easliy so it depends.

Answer:Actually, horses do not founder becasue of pasture, as you can see in the related link. A horse should be kept in "natural boarding" 24/7, and they will constantly eat to keep their small bellies filled for about 18-20 hours a day, and this will total to about 2% of their body weight. Given free choice grass or grass hay, a horse will eat the correct amount; some how they just know what they need.
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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Horses need to eat a minimum of 1% of their body weight per day in forage just to maintain digestive health. Most horses need closer to 1.5% to maintain weight and may need up to 3% depending on their activity level/reproductive status. This means that for a 1000 lb horse, you need to feed a minimum of 10 lbs of good quality hay per day.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Hi i took a test on one of my horses today, my horse has stables that is in the field and they go in and out as they want to i never close there stables exept for between 5-6 when i feed them there extras i locked my horse in the stable today coz i was really interested to see how much they eat, i picked 23kg's grass and weigh it and left my horse in there 24h, from 7am to 7am the following day, and took the left over grass and weigh it again, my horse eat 15.58 kg rounded up to 16kg of grass, maybe they eat more or less but that is what my horse eat for a day, if it maybe helps someone.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

I've heard you need atleast an acre and a half per horse.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

That depends very much on the horse in question.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Every day a horse should eat about 2% of its body weight. Whether it's in horse food or snacks like apples, it should not exceed 2% to ensure that a healthy weight is maintained.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

10kg roughly.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

is much as u give it

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Q: How much grass does a horse eat a day?
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How much or what dos a horse eat?

It depends on the horse. Ask your vet to see what's right for your horse(s).

What type of horse can not eat grass?

Any breed can eat grass, many breeds tho r more suseptable to colic or laminitis from eating too much grass. Especially spring grass that has the most nutrients at the roots and the early spring grass as it grow is easy for a horse to eat too much.

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a white horse eat hay and grass

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About 2kg a day.

What horse breed cannot eat grass?

All horses can eat grass

What kind of horse can not eat grass?

A sea horse.

Do horse eats much?

Horses eat a lot of food including wheat and grass.

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Horse's eat...Grass, Oats, Horse feed, Etc...

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Rye grass

No horse's do not eat grass they eat grass and hay and horse feed?

Your question is a bit hard to understand as you first say ' No a horse does not eat grass.' and then you say 'They do eat grass.' A horse evolved over millions of years into a grazing animal and they do eat grass, however they can also eat other food stuffs without much if any harm coming to them. This includes hay which is really just grass that is allowed to reach a specific level of maturity before being harvested. Horse feeds include straight grains and pelleted feeds, which are used for horses in specific need of extra calories or energy. Horses may also eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, berries, and horse treats.

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