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15-20 somewhere around that point.

a polo player uses 6 horses in 1 match. and has 20 horses he uses but only minority of them are in training. hope that answers your Q...?

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Q: How many horses does Adolfo Cambiaso own?
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How many people own a horse?

My horses own me.

How many celebrities own horses?

Unknown. This is not reported.

How many horses did Frank T Hopkins own and what were the horses names?

Hildalgo for one he is the best

Can you own horses in Washington Utah?

Yes, there are many people who have horse property and horses here.

How many people raise horses?

Thousands of people raise horses, having their own mares and raising the babies.

How many horses should a trainer have?

It really just depends on the person. If you can handle and afford it, then have as many as you need to run a business or simply own horses.

How many horses does an owner usually own?

The number of horses an owner usually owns varies widely based on individual preferences and needs. Some horse owners may have only one horse for companionship or recreational riding, while others may have multiple horses for breeding, showing, or competitive riding. Ultimately, the number of horses owned depends on the owner's resources, experience, and goals.

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How many horses are on Petz Horse 2?

I believe that there are 6 horses you can get. I have the game and there are 4competitions and you get 2 horses at the start. Whenever you win a competition, you earn a horse. You can get up to 10 horses if you breed your own. Enjoy!

Who owns a Russian Don Horse on Howrse?

Many, many people own Russian Don Horses.

How many horses do Ellen whitaker's family own?

88 but maybe more by now

How many horses does the queen of England own?

The Queen has many breeds of horse,size, colour you name it she will have it obviously the queen has a special place in her heart where she keeps the memorys of her horses and im not entirely surehow many horses she has but i can tell you she has over 100 hope this helps