Gymnastics has been around for over 2000 years a little more than a 100 years old.
Well, it's been around for quite a long time so i have no idea.
Lauren Mitchell has been doing gymnastics since she was 7 so she has done it for 13 years.
about 8 years
She stared when she was 3. She started because her parents said she had to much energy around the house.
Gymnastics elements have been around on the earth for, virtually, as long as humans have lived. The people that are given the credit for founding the general sport of gymnastics were the ancient Greeks (in the Classical Period). They started the olympics. They also had events such as the vault, in which they jumped over a horse.
She started at the age of 6 years old.
Gymnastics has been around for centuries. Gymnastics comes from the word Gymnos, meaning naked in Greek. Which is were and how gymnastics started, with all men being naked in the Greek Olympic games. Ancient Greece is where gymnastics origionated but has become more modernized in China, America, Russia and the Ukraine.
Beth tweedle started gymnastics when she was 12
Nobody really knows for sure when gymnastics first came around. ALAINA: i know they had gymnastics in Egyptian times!
The sport of gymnastics has been around since antiquity. In the late 1700s, Fredrich Ludwig added to the sport by inventing the parallel bars, horizontal bars, and balance beam. He is known as the "Father of Gymnastics."
Yes, Romania is very famous for gymnastics; Romania has a long tradition in gymnastics.
Nastia started gymnastics when she was 3 years old because her parents could not affird a babysitter, which allowed her to spend lots of time in the gym.