Those little monsters can jump up to 2 feet high straight up. They would jump that high to get away from trouble, find a mate, or to munch on your vegetable garden. They tear that up where I come from (MD).
u pull up as hard as u can and jump as high as u can at the same time
far away
you go to moves and click jump
no it can not jump high
what is the high at on a high school high jump? boys Girls
you turn your feet sideways you bend down( like you are about to jump) jump and pull up hard and fast on your handle bars and to get higher you have to jump higher
First you have to get to the last level and then you have to keep the bunny from jumping on you until it goes up. Then spiders and a snail drop down from nowhere. Jump on the snail, and the spiders if needed (probably), but hit the bunny with the snail shell. The bunny will be dizzy. Kick it, and it will try to jump on you again. Repeat 2 more times and you will get the ice cream beck. Yay!
He can jump really high
There is no competition called the long high jump.
I don't know but that's prety high
How high can a rockwieler jump