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Oh, dude, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to that. It really depends on the individual and their level of training and natural ability. But like, a generally accepted range could be around 15-20 seconds for a decently fast 8-year-old girl. Just remember, it's all about having fun and staying active, not breaking world records at that age!

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3d ago
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3d ago

The speed at which an 8-year-old girl can run a 100-meter sprint can vary greatly depending on her individual level of physical development and training. On average, a child of this age may be able to complete the sprint in around 20-30 seconds. However, it is important to remember that children develop at different rates and it is crucial to focus on their personal progress and enjoyment of physical activity rather than comparing them to specific time standards.

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3d ago

Well honey, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to that question. The average 8-year-old girl might clock in around 17-20 seconds for a 100 meter sprint, but every kid is different. Just tell her to run as fast as she can without tripping over her own two feet, and she'll be just fine.

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13y ago

My 7 year old runs in Under 8s her 100m time is 21.02

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